We have had great support from families in the school for the Shoebox appeal over the last number of years. This year, we have decided to work with a charity closer to home with a similar appeal. The ‘Soup Kitchen’ in Navan supports 103 families in the Navan area alone every week with food parcels, and, in addition to this serves 720 hot meals weekly. They will be delighted to receive shoeboxes from us and will distribute them to the many children they support with their services. Children should fill shoeboxes with a child of their own age in mind. We ask that they be wrapped in Christmas paper and should contain some of the following:
1. Something to wash with – toothbrush, toothpaste, soap etc
2. Something to wear – Christmas pjs, socks, hat, gloves etc
3. Stationary – pencils, colours, notebook, etc
4. A ‘Wow’ item – toy, game etc. (Sweets and chocolates may also be included.)
When complete, please label the box with the age of the child it is suitable for and whether it is for a boy or girl. Shoeboxes may be dropped into the school between now and 6th December.
Míle buíochas as ucht bhur dtacaíocht!