Third and Fourth class started the couch to 5k programme in January. The ten week programme had both classes out running every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning.
Each session began with a warm-up. In the first session the ambition was to run for a total of 90 seconds. This in itself was challenging. Apprehension was set aside as the children put their best running foot forward. After four weeks the children were running for five minutes at a time.
Week five was a turning point. On Monday and Wednesday the expectation was that they would run for eight minutes at a time. Friday’s run demanded twenty minutes. During this first long run the children supported each other by running together in smaller groups and sharing words of encouragement. Doubt was set aside and finally relief with the congratulatory words of “Well done you have completed your first twenty minute run.”
After that first twenty minute run determination took over. The runs lengthened by two to three minutes each week. By week ten the five kilometre challenge was well in sight. Monday and Wednesday’s runs were the warm up to the main event on Friday.
On that final Friday morning Rang 3 and Rang 4 gathered in the clós. They were joined by runners and supporters from other classes. A flagged finished line marked the end of this last run. As the final runner crossed the line a cheer broke out. Well deserved recognition for all their hard work.
Rang 3 and Rang 4 showed spirit, strength and courage. The class teachers are very proud of this achievement. Maith sibh a pháistí.
Interview with Ava (Rang 3)
When I started the run it was easy because it was only 90 seconds. It was really fun doing it with my best friend Sophie, we were messing a little but we still did all of it without stopping.
When we got to about 25 minutes we didn’t want to do it we were begging the rain to start, Sophie told jokes too. I feel much better when I do athletics now. Thank you 5km.